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notbob[_5_] notbob[_5_] is offline
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Default Guilt from eating shaved ham

On 2011-05-08, Christopher M. > wrote:

> for an animal that is eaten, kind of like how some American Indians have
> respect for the animals they hunt.


Yeah, respect. But they still killed, skinned, and ate the damn
things, didn't they!?

I'm so sick of hearing about the great nobility of the savage red man.
The morons treated women like dogs and would massacre whole
neighboring villages jes to prove they were macho badasses, torturing
men, women, and children in ways that would make a civilized person
blow chunks. Give me a break. Native American Indians were a buncha
waring callus assholes no less savage and horrific than the Europeans
who brutalized and annihilated them.
