Thread: Pasta Salad
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projectile vomit chick[_3_] projectile vomit chick[_3_] is offline
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Default Pasta Salad

On May 9, 9:36*am, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > On May 6, 3:40 am, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> >> "sf" > wrote in message

> . ..

> >>> On Thu, 5 May 2011 19:06:10 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> >>> > wrote:

> >>>> "Catmandy (Sheryl)" > wrote in message
> ....
> >>>> On May 5, 9:44 pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> >>>>> "Catmandy (Sheryl)" > wrote in message

> ...

> >>>>> it's not rocket science, Julie.
> >>>>> If you're making too much salad by including too many veggies,
> >>>>> just don't add as much.
> >>>>> Either cut back on the variety or only use half as much of each
> >>>>> veggie as you are now. Obviously, if you're using less in your
> >>>>> pasta salad, you will have to use up the balance of that pepper,
> >>>>> onion, whatever in something else.
> >>>>> Just plan your meals better. It's home ec 101.

> >>>>> Nope. That was never covered in Home Ec.

> >>>> They never covered how to shop for food and plan meals in your
> >>>> home ec clas? That explains a LOT!
> >>>> Still, you've never read a magazine article?

> >>>> Nope. They taught cooking and sewing.

> >>>> They did cover how to shop and plan for meals in family planning.
> >>>> But nowhere did they say how to make a salad for one. In fact my
> >>>> family planning teacher said a good salad for one could not be
> >>>> done.

> >>>> I read magazines but never any that tell you how to shop or plan
> >>>> meals. Those kinds of magazines are ones that I find boring.

> >>> It's easy enough to Google "salad recipe for one person".

> >> The problem is not in making the salad. The problem is all that you
> >> have to buy to make the salad. You simply can not make one small
> >> good salad...and by good I mean with a lot of different ingredients
> >> in it, without having a ton of leftover stuff. You just can't.

> > Oh, now you're just being contrary.

> > Sure you can. *I do it all of the time. *You just have to get it
> > through
> > your skull that a salad doesn't need to have everything but the
> > kitchen sink in it. *Put in lettuce, three other vegetables and enjoy
> > it for what it is: *a celebration of lettuce and three vegetables.

> That's just a salad. *Not a really good one.- Hide quoted text -

You're a piece of shit troll.