Wu Yi and Phoenix Mt. teas
> "Michael Plant" > wrote in message
> ...
>>> Michael,
>>> Thanks for the suggestions. Do you have a URL for Silk Road? The only
> one
>>> that came up in Google (silkroadtea.com) did not have any of the teas
> you
>>> recommend, or at least I couldn't find them. The site also generated
> errors
>>> that made browsing it frustrating.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dean
>> Dean,
>> David Hoffman (SRT) has no URL nor e-mail. Address:
>> Silk Road Teas
>> Post Office Box 287
>> Lagunitas, California 94938
>> Telephone:
>> (415) 488-9017
>> The other company you mentioned is not much to deal with. David knows all
>> his teas really well and will talk with you on the telephone about them.
>> He can make recommendations. I usually work with him that way.
>> I should tell you that the teas I mentioned begin at about $30. for 4
>> ounces, but the teas are worthy of the prices. He also has excellent teas
>> at lower prices.
>> Michael
> Michael,
> Thanks for the information.
> I'm curious: how did you hear of SRT if it has no internet presence?
> Word-of-mouth? Is David's lack of electronic visibility a conscious choice
> on his part?
> Regards,
> Dean
Indubitably a conscious choice; he has had lots of opportunity to avail
himself of electronica, much like the rest of us. He pops up periodically in
discussions on TeaMail and here. Friends of mine have been doing business
with him for years. He is primarily a wholesaler. Many teas on vendors'
inventories come from him. He's well worth getting to know.