Newbie Teapot Question
A good teapot is whereever you find it such that almost anyone will
do. I think the discussions here are 'this and that' just
peculiarities more than functionality. A good source is the
kitchenwares of upscale department stores. Surprising ethnic stores
are good for cups but not pots. There is nothing wrong with boiling
water in a sauce pan, adding tea, and straining for an all-in-one
solution. My everyday teapot for the past year is the stainless steel
found in Chinese restaurants. It takes a beating. There is a
tendency to overtip and dump hot leaves on the hand when using a
strainer. I may take one of my french presses and have the local
retired British engineer do his special modification. I could never
afford a Chatford or Bodum. Just start somewhere because the biggest
gotcha in teapots is the capacity and more often than not missing
infuser. A neat solution for the big pots with missing infusers is
the tea sock. Don't worry about the best just your personal
preference and taste for what makes a good cuppa.
"Richard Clapp Earthlink" > wrote in message>...
> I'd like to make a suggestion. Would people please add links to the stores
> where they purchased their various pots into their replies when speaking of
> specifics. One mans's teapot may have the same name as another, but the
> store may be a bit more reputable than another and have a higher grade
> product. If a newbie sees a consensus of where to buy, it may help them a
> bit.
> Richard