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Storrmmee Storrmmee is offline
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Default counter-top convection oven

my motto is save where you can so you can spend where you want... I hate
waste of any kind... food, storage space for useless things, or my time...

as to the stove removal... that depends on how long you plan to live there?
if you intend to die there do it... you might think where you can put a
stove if you decide to sell in future and remodel with that in mind, Lee

"Omelet" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> dsi1 > wrote:
>> On 5/14/2011 4:18 AM, Storrmmee wrote:
>> > that is one of the big pluses to the new wave oven we have, its very
>> > quiet,
>> > last night dh roasted 3 rather large turkey legs, he started with 45
>> > mins,
>> > and then five mins at a time until it suited him...night before last we
>> > put
>> > diced hot peppers of varying kinds, diced onion and some hot sauce
>> > along
>> > with a can of diced tomatoes in a 9x9 pan along with 8 chickn legs,
>> > cooked
>> > for fourty mins, could have done with a few more mins for me but for
>> > normal
>> > people who don't want their chicken almost burnt it would have been
>> > fine,
>> >

>> It's good to hear that the new ones are quiet. My guess is that you're
>> saving a substantial amount of energy by using this unit.

> My summer utility bills have dropped from $500.00 on average to just
> under $300.00. Mind you, that is a combined bill for water, power,
> trash pickup and sewage (wastewater) and wastewater is calculated based
> on water usage.
> I credit that reduction to the use of plugin appliances, more frequent
> use of the pit (which is free due to the overabundance of deadfall wood
> from trees on my property) and my personal control of the house
> thermostat by having the hallway one disconnected and left as a dummy,
> while the real one is "hidden" on the opposite wall.
> Gardening is all being done in very large pots WITH bottoms to conserve
> water.
> The power bill really has gone down since the stove died and I am still
> cooking on all plug in appliances.
> Conservation of funds is a good thing. ;-)
> And I have, more than once, cooked a Thanksgiving feast on plug in
> appliances. I'm debating sending the stove to Green Guy recycling,
> turning that spot into counter and cabinet space and giving up on having
> a real stove permanently... I would tile that counter space for fire
> safety reasons for the hotter appliances like hot plates and the
> convection oven.
> --
> Peace, Om
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