Looks like a direct hit
Doug Freyburger wrote:
> I would like a system like I have with the library and audio books. I
> can download audiobooks from the library and they automatically expire
> off of my computer on a specific date. I can "check them back in" early
> and they get deleted immediately so I can download other ones. That
> system is much like the original Netflix system of sending DVDs that you
> can return as soon as you like and get others.
According to my Tivo there's a video rental system from Amazon that does
that. There catalog of videos that's searchable directly on the Tivo is
too small for me to consider it. Maybe I'll check if their web catalog
can offer a rental service like that.
> If I could download movies then check them back in to delete them then
> be allowed to download more, I would have kept the subscription. Switch
> from watching recent shows to watching mostly movies and picking a few
> shows here and there. I might drop all but local broadcast for a system
> like that.
But I won't drop my cable for a pay-per-movie rental system. That makes
the idea more expensive not less.