RFC Newswi Who Is And Is Not ..Being and Nothingnesss....
Doug Freyburger wrote:
> M. JL Esq. wrote:
>>Krypsis wrote:
>>>The Christmas tree is a cultural phenomenon of America? Who are you
>>>trying to kid?
>>No one has commercialized christmas and made its assorted rituals (tree,
>>fat man in a red suit) as popular as America,
> American secular culture contains stuff that had religious origins, but
> at this point people of plenty of religions have a Yule tree and secular
> gift exchanges. That transition from religious to secular is an
> American attribute.
I think i agree.
While the christmas tree and associated symbols are (relativisticley)
"christian" they are also symbols of the dominant power in the world
today. America. Especially as "Christmas" is celebrated in any "Global"
sense. By non or pre - christian cultures.
The only reason this modern, commercial, instant gratification (without
mentioning George Bernard Shaw) idea exists is because of America's
influence, the ubermensch of it all. We wont even mention America's
influence in creating this medium by which we state thus: This
"newsgroup." Or the associated technologies supporting it.