Schwan Foods
On May 27, 1:34*am, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> "Storrmmee" > wrote in message
> ...
> > the only reason i would like it if i could get deliveries is because its
> > something i could do independently and take that chore off of dh, Lee
> I thought about deliveries way back when, but at the time I was working a
> varied schedule and there was no way I could trust that the food would still
> be good by the time I got home. *I know they said they put it in a special
> box or something.
> I did get the milkman here for a while. *Oddly enough we rarely got milk.
> Angela very rarely drinks it. *My husband pretty much only drinks it when
> there are cookies, pastries or cake in the house and that's not often. *Once
> in a while he will go through a cereal phase. *Mainly I got cottage cheese,
> cheddar cheese and butter. *They delivered the Alpen Rose brand and it's my
> favorite. *Thankfully that is what Winco carries so now I can get it again.
> Anyway... *I noticed if I didn't get it right away after he delivered it, it
> would feel warm. *So I'm not so sure that was the way to go. *I stopped the
> deliveries when we could no longer eat dairy. *But now we can again.
Early afternoon every other Thusday is when they deliver here.
If I know I won't be home, then I pay for it with my credit card on
their web site.
I have one of their big freezer bags that I leave on my enclosed back
porch from him
to use if I'm not home. He also put's in a freezer pack to help keep
it frozen.
I've never had any problems with the food thawed. They have a nice
catalog with everything
they sell.