On May 26, 5:39*pm, rosie > wrote:
> Kraft, I believe has out a new mayo that sounds delicious ! It is made
> with olive oil and has black pepper in it. Has any one tried this?? I
> usually eat Hellman's or Best Food which I understand are the same
> thing, but this caught my interest.
> rosie
Hellman's and Best Food mayo are the same thing. I never understood
why in the western US it is known as Best Food, and in the east it is
called Hellman's.
I haven't bought Hellman's in 30 years. The town I live in,
Greenville SC, is the home of Duke's Mayonnaise, which I like much
better than Hellman's. Duke's is one regional brand that I'm
surprised never went national as it does have a devoted following.
When I moved to Detroit and Cincinnati, I always had to pick up a
couple jars of Duke's Mayo on trips home to take back with me.
This was about 25 years ago, but I used to work right next to the
Duke's Mayo plant, and I got to know one of the guys who worked there
who told me that at one point they were experimenting with producing
colored mayonnaise, putting blue or red food coloring into the
process, but it didn't work as the food coloring always floated to the
top once it settled.