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Giusi Giusi is offline
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Default Moist delicious yellow cake, from a mix you say?

"sf" > ha scritto nel messaggio

> Heheheh, I'm feeling a cake making mood coming on. Jim, if you have
> an old fashioned soda fountain in the area.... next time you get a
> hankering for an ice cream soda, try a pineapple soda made with scoops
> of coconut ice cream. Oh, man - it goes down smooooth!

That's a pina colada soda!

SF you should make the torcolo cake from Umbria "breakfast of Umbrians". My
student made it yesterday and it came out beautifully even though she was a
bit slapdash in the approach. I feared but for nothing. It stays moist a
long time and has olive oil for fat in it, so it's HEALTH FOOD.