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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Moist delicious yellow cake, from a mix you say?

On Wed, 1 Jun 2011 07:20:21 +0200, "Giusi" > wrote:

> Good on you, Jim! You won't be sorry. There are lots of versions of
> torcolo, some with yoghurt, some marbled, some glazed, but they are all
> basic, dense, moist cakes that do a lot of jobs very well. No light as air
> baking powder cloud here, but a substantial bite that holds up and has its
> own special flavor.
> I was going to suggest to sf that she use her lemon to make a lemon glaze
> she could drizzle into part of hers.

It's sounding more and more like that lemon yogurt cake I posted about
not too long ago, but this is made with olive oil. I've never made a
cake with olive oil and have been intending to try it. I just looked
at Ina's Lemon Yogurt Cake which is the same size, but cooked in a
loaf pan - so I'll bake it that way.

BTW: You never did say if I should buy regular olive oil or that can I
just use the EVOO I have already. I even have some lemon flavored
EVOO on hand.


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