Moist delicious yellow cake, from a mix you say?
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Terry Pulliam Burd[_5_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 536
Moist delicious yellow cake, from a mix you say?
On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 09:14:15 -0700,
arranged random
neurons and said:
>Here's what I e-mailed to Squeaks, she knows I'm posting it, actually
>she encouraged me to post it.
>"I'm glad I posted the recipe and started the flack. I'm sure there
>are a lot of posters that use "convenient" ingredients but are
>hesitant to post their recipes because of responses like the one I
>That's not how RFC should be, we are not an "elitist" group and the
>degrading of those who do use "convenient" ingredients is despicable
>in my eyes. I don't normally use the ingredients called for in the
>cake, but there is a time and place for recipes like that.
>Sorry, but I'm not going to use my expensive, top quality ingredients
>on people that I know couldn't tell the difference, or for that
>matter, couldn't care less if I used cool whip in the cake or cream
>that was whipped by virgins from virgin cows that were milked during
>the first phase of the moon.
>Honestly, I feel sorry for him, he must be one miserably unhappy
<clap! clap! clap!> You didn't change a word from the email you sent
to me. Good on ya. Didn't do any good, of course, but then again we
didn't expect it would convert the dimwit from discourteous discourse
to courteous discourse. <sigh> What a maroon.
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
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Terry Pulliam Burd[_5_]
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