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John Kuthe[_3_] John Kuthe[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 7,677
Default Moist delicious yellow cake, from a mix you say?

On Jun 4, 7:35*pm, Ran e at Arabian Knits >
> In article
> >,
> *John Kuthe > wrote:
> > I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is no changing Bryan.
> > When it comes to food he has for himself an extremely narrow range of
> > what he finds acceptable.

> * *And he's a horse's behind that people keep quoting. *For someone who
> exacts his pound of flesh from people for posting anything he finds
> distasteful, he certainly ate a lot of junk from fast food joints, IIRC. *
> Think they're using butter and fresh ingredients and no mixes? *He may
> be your friend, and he may have redeeming qualities, but he's one of the
> most obnoxious humans I've run into on usenet in the last 17 years.

Yes he is, especially here. I won't defend his vitriol which he spews
here. And yes, I too take issue with the FastFood CRAP that he buys
and eats, all the while extolling the virtue of the "great deal" he
got on it, like that somehow adequately counterbalances the CRAP that
it is.

John Kuthe...