Blueberries - OK To Freeze?
On 08/06/2011 10:54 AM, Steve Freides wrote:
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
> to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:
> Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> please correct me. How long would they last?
You can buy frozen blueberries. They are pretty good, and a lot cheaper
to buy frozen than to buy them fresh and freeze them yourself.
> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
They are good on cereal and you can use them in muffins or pancakes. It
is best to toss them into the flour rather than into the mixed batter
because it stops the juice from running so much.