Veggie-burger thoughts
truth is that the key here is two fold, "real" food not processed to the
point of being void of nutrition, and finding what is best for an
individual's body... given my preferences i would eat the catagory "meat"
only very occasionally, and beef lamb or pork rarely... in order to stay
healthy i need to eat red meat at least twice a week, not even a big
porrtion three or four oz, but if i skip it i don't feel well, Lee
"Doug Freyburger" > wrote in message
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> My nephew and his wife are vegetarians and are always pushing their
>> stryroburgers and plastic wieners saying that they taste just like meat.
>> Then eat meat. I don't have a problem with good vegetarian food. There
>> are lots of Indian dishes using lentils and other high protein
>> vegetables with spicy flavour. I do have a problem with avoiding meat
>> for some sort of political reason and then looking for manufactured
>> products that are made to look and taste like meat.
> It's a tacit admission that meat tastes better. Too bad they're not
> foodies like us folks who have had vegitarian meals so good they amaze.
> I'm happy to support folks who go vegitarian for religious, moral or
> political reasons. Service to a higher cause, good on them for it.
> What I'm not happy to support is folks who claim that going vegitarian
> is more healthy and that's why they decided to do it. And it seems
> like those are the folks who eat bota burgers and such. Going
> vegitarian is not healthier. It's healthier than eating nothing but
> MacDonalds maybe, but not healthier than eating real food.
> Humans are omnivores. We can be healthy on a well planned all meat
> diet or on a well planned vegan diet. Can as in possible to do but I
> have little interest in eating seal eyeballs to complete an all meat
> diet or fresh and smelly pond scum to complete the B12 in a vegan
> diet. But as omnivores it is easy to be healthy on a plan that
> contains sizable fractions of meat and veggies plus an assortment of
> non-core foods. That's right, real food.
> Veggie burger. I like those. On the plate is today's assorted steamed
> veggies and a burger. There ya go.