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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Wheat/bread allergy

On Jun 9, 3:28*pm, "graham" > wrote:
> From a BBC article on bread:
> "..three-quarters of people who believe they have an allergy or
> medical intolerance to bread show no signs of any symptoms in blind
> testing."

I"m not 'allergic'. There's a difference in allergies and
sensitivity. I don't do will with wheat. My body doesn't seem to
like it much at all. I have intestinal upset, joint pain and runny
sinuses when I eat wheat, plus I just don't feel well when I eat it.

I don't get itchy eyes or sneezing or other allergy symptoms and I'm
not a celiac, but there is definitely something going on with wheat
and a lot of people are finding out how much better they feel when
they DON'T eat it.