Janet wrote:
> Steve Freides wrote:
>> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty
>> inexpensive at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd
>> like to be able to have them when they're out of season.
> Where are blueberries in season in the spring? In the big
> blueberry-growing areas in the US, they are in season mostly in
> July/August.
> I am prejudiced in favor of Maine wild blueberries, which are smaller
> and more flavorful, as opposed to big high bush berries from places
> like New Jersey and Michigan.
Blueberries freeze perfectly well
> for most uses, as others have noted. If you need to buy frozen ones
> in the store, I'd look for Wyman's. (They are from Maine.)
I took a look at the TJ's package last night - says it's a product of
the USA, doesn't say where in the USA, though. 1.5 pounds by weight is
how they're sold, was either $6.99 or $7.99 when purchased a couple of
days ago.