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Lucille[_2_] Lucille[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 173
Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Jun 9, 6:37*am, "Storrmmee" > wrote:
> please explain how you make icecream in the blender, Lee
> "Lucille" > wrote in message
> ...
> On Jun 8, 10:54 am, "Steve Freides" > wrote:
> > I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> > at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
> > to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:

> > Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> > sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> > please correct me. How long would they last?

> > What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> > them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> > in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> > fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.

> > Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> > frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
> > the batter frozen?

> > Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.

> > Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> > if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
> > frozen blueberries in the grocery store.

> > Many thanks.

> > -S-

> I buy frozen blueberries all the time from Schwans.
> I pour some in a bowl and let them thaw out and eat them with milk or
> add cornflakes.
> I don't bake anymore but you can use them for anything you want to
> bake.
> I also use the frozen berries to make icecream with a bit of milk in a
> blender or
> make a smoothie.
> * * * * *Lucille- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You can use any frozen fruit. Add either milk, cream or juice to it
and a sweeten like sugar or honey or pure maple syrup.
But not too much maple syruo unless you want that flavor.
You can add vanilla to it too.

If you ever see the Ninja blender on QVC, watch their demo.
They show you how to make icecream.

I have the Ninja cook book and they're's more recipes to make
I think you can find how to make this on you tube.

Shopping list:
1 1/2 cup plus 1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 sugar
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 tablespoon strawberry syrup
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combin 1 1/2 cup of the milk, whipping cream and sugar, stir to
desolve the sugar.
Fill one 16 cube icecube tray with the mixture. Freeze at least 3
hours or until frozen solid.

Place ice cream cubes in the mixer and add frozen strawberries,
strawberry syrup, vanilla extract
and the remaining 1/2 cup of milk over the top. Put cover on mixer and
pulse for 10 to 15
seconds until smooth and creamy.

Serve garnished with a drizzle of strawberry syrup or fresh

The strwberry syrup in this recipe refers to the sqeeze bottle syrup
used for making
strawberry milk, not the sticky strawberry sauce.
