On Jun 10, 10:40*pm, "Bob Terwilliger" >
> >> Sounds like you must have made some very bad vocational decisions, if you
> >> have that opinion about holding a job.
> The entirety of what I wrote is quoted above. Please point out anywhere that
> I implied that I represent the majority -- or implied *any* statistics about
> job satisfaction within the general public.
Part of your entire message is pasted above your most recent
comment, also above. You intimate that if I have such a negative
opinion, I must have made some bad vocational decisions, as if to
imply that most people make good ones. My bad vocational decision was
giving in to work in the first place when I should have had more faith
and just went with the wind. For most people it's a trap. "I'll just
do this for a while and see what happens", they say. Well, what
happens is they wind up doing it the rest of their stinking miserable
lives. But like I said, even though I am a great cab driver, maybe
the best that ever lived, not a single accident in 33 years of driving
in L.A. and now in W-S North Carolina - even though I am really good
at what I do, the reality is I started with that job because not
working was getting to be a full-time chore and I needed to get a
legit job if I wanted to keep a roof over my head. So I turned to the
cab. For a while there was freedom. I worked 3 days a week and made
enough to get by, which is all I've ever wanted. But as things went
up and what I made went down I began to work 4 days, then 5, then 6 -
until finally I left LA and came here where 3 days was enough to get
me through. Then the same process repeated itself here over a 17
years span. However, I inherited a small sum of cash - but not small
to me - enough to last a year or more - and when I turn 65 I will be
able to collect age-related SSI payments along with food stamps and
medical benefits, and then I will not longer be a work slave and you
will hear no further complaints out of me on that topic.