On Jun 6, 12:36*pm, Melba's Jammin' >
> > > I think the judges are picky about labeling and presentation.
> > > gloria p
> > Thank you Gloria!!! *Yes, I followed the rules to the letter. *I have
> > two entries ready so far. *I'm aiming for five.
> I thought of something else, Mimi. *Your rule book says "standard"
> canning jars. *Is that 'standard' as in mason jar with two piece lid and
> ring to seal or is that 'standard' as in 'not wide mouth'?
> --
> Barb,
> Grilled salmon, June 5, 2011;http://web.me.com/barbschaller
Around here, I'd assume that meant standard as in NOT a MAYONNAISE or
COFFEE jar, which are or used to be often used to supplement whatever
MASON jars a woman had.