The collusion of federal regulators and Monsanto
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J. Clarke[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 974
The collusion of federal regulators and Monsanto
In article >,
> J. Clarke > wrote:
> >In article >,
> >> Your argument is very very weak. If you want to attack the original
> >> source (the 40% figure) then fine, but given that result and the
> >> absence of contrary evidence, I have stated the logical conclusions.
> >> You're just resisting those conclusions because you don't want to
> >> believe them.
> >You might want to look up the numbers for US vs world agricultural
> >production and US agricultural imports vs exports. You'll find that US
> >agricultural production is a small percentage of the whole and that the
> >US is a net exporter of food. The US isn't "starving" _anybody_. Their
> >local governments are the ones that art starving them. Remember
> >"Blackhawk Down"? Remember why that Blackhawk was there to begin with?
> This isn't particularly related to anything I'm talking about.
> Economic activity generally results in pollution (chemical/microbial
> /radiological) that results in human mortality. This is the
> case regardless of whether anyone is starving to death, and I
> haven't claimed that the U.S. is starving anyone.
> The questions I have posed that you might want to consider are
> the following: how much human mortality is the result of pollution?
> (One source says 40%). How much of this is the U.S. responsible
> for? (My position is the U.S. is responsible proportionately to our
> consumption; Landon disagreed with this but he did not say why.)
> That the U.S. might be starving people through its policies is
> highly plausible but I haven't been asserting that in this thread.
> (A lot of pollution is traceable to agriculture, so if the U.S.
> has a disproportionately large agricultural industry as you state,
> that might make the U.S. more responsible rather than less responsible,
> depending on specifics.)
So the US is more "responsible" than the part of the world that produces
maybe 10 times as much.
You're coming across as some kind of loon.
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J. Clarke[_2_]
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