On Jun 15, 8:42*am, sf > wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jun 2011 13:05:28 +0100, Janet > wrote:
> > In article >,
> > says...
> > > On Wed, 15 Jun 2011 12:20:27 +0200, "Giusi" >
> > > wrote:
> > > > *Cape to the Med.
> > > I was trying to remember yesterday which continent was Cape and which
> > > one was Horn, but my query wasn't worded well enough for Google to
> > > guess what I wanted.
> > * Africa has both a Cape and a Horn on one continent, but if you were
> > thinking of Cape Horn that's the S.American one :-)
> That's what I didn't know... I know if you go around one continent
> they say "around the Cape" and they say "around the horn" when you're
> going around the other one, but which is which? *I dunno and the place
> names down there don't help me. *
*I'm guessing that the tip of
> South America is The Horn because it's shaped more like a horn than
> the tip of Africa.
Are you just retarded or what? You seem unable to research anything
for yourself. Did you get through your education in that way? Did
everyone else do your homework while you stood around flapping your
gums uselessly?