The collusion of federal regulators and Monsanto
Doug Freyburger > wrote:
>Steve Pope wrote:
>> J. Clarke > wrote:
>>>I see. So basically the US is evil for putting legions of Chinese to
>> I'm not saying that
>Sure you are saying that. It's like you are arguing that pollution is
>bad because having jobs is bad.
You are inventing things. Please quote what I have actually said
instead of making stuff up.
>Pollution is bad in some places because the current government does not
>care. Pollution is bad in some places because population and
>industrialization is happening so far there has not been time to react.
>At least in that second group the future is very promising for clean up.
>Developing nations have the advantage of being able to start with
>today's generation of equipment as soon as their industry can afford it.
These are second-order effects. To a first order: consumption and
economic activity is causing pollution, disease, human death, and
a rate of species extinction on the same order as that caused by
a major meteor strike. This is why I recommend conservation and
less consumption.