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Jim Elbrecht Jim Elbrecht is offline
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Default grating ginger - any tips?

On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 15:54:27 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 16/06/2011 3:06 PM, Jim Elbrecht wrote:
>> We must not be talking about the same thing. The garlic chives that
>> I consider a noxious weed is "Alliaria petiolata" which a bit of
>> googling tells me is more commonly known as Garlic Mustard--

>I just took a break from weeding, and I was pulling a lot of garlic
>mustard. It is a very invasive weed. It seems to especially like
>conditions under my cedar trees. If they would stay far enough under
>that I didn`t see them I would not bother with them. If I don`t wage war
>on them them come in increasing numbers.

Left to its own, on my property it likes deep woods, partial shade,
full sun, sand, loam, clay, wet, dry, poor, and rich soil. It also
seems to only need about 10 days for a single plant to send off enough
seeds to plant a whole acre.

Hopefully Cornell [or someone] will come up with a beetle as efficient
as the one that beat Purple Loosestrife back into submission.

And- sort of back to the original subject. My wild Ginger has taken
hold well enough that I was about to start using it in the kitchen. I
Googled to see if I could use the seeds for something as I have a
bunch. Turns out the entire plant has more Aristolochic Acid than
many folks think is safe. So beyond a taste to confirm that I really
*do* want to use it-- I won't be playing with it much until I check
some more sources.
