Wild weeds and gardening (was grating ginger - any tips?)
On 16/06/2011 10:32 PM, Omelet wrote:
>> I just took a break from weeding, and I was pulling a lot of garlic
>> mustard. It is a very invasive weed. It seems to especially like
>> conditions under my cedar trees. If they would stay far enough under
>> that I didn`t see them I would not bother with them. If I don`t wage war
>> on them them come in increasing numbers.
> I doubt seriously it is the same plant...
Same as??? A friend of ours who knows her plants and weeds identified it
as garlic mustard, and I googled it and the pictures I found were a
perfect match.
> My most invasive weed is wild morning glory (bindweed). It can take
> over the yard but will only do so under very wet conditions. They are
> not happy this year and I'm considering taking pity on them and planting
> and watering a pot of them (I have seeds put away) but I've found that
> the numerous seeds that are already in the soil will happily stay
> dormant for a year or two then sprout and take over if a rainy season
> begins, so I'm not terribly worried... There is also a pic of them in
> the Picasa (nature pics) album.
Many years ago I planted morning glory and they never did well thrived
where they were planted, but the next year they were everywhere. I went
after them with a passion for years. They are now down to manageable
numbers. I thought that I was getting the few remainders young enough
that there would not be any flowers and therefore no seeds.
> When they get going, they drop thousands of seeds.... and every single
> one of them sprouts given a wet chance.<g>
> It is, however, a beautiful plant until it dies back every winter. Then
> you have to clear the dead vines if you care about yard looks. I note
> in a wet year here they take over half the town but only beautify it
> while they live...
> I have a love/hate relationship with them. ;-)
> I have pics of them in the front yard from last fall when it was very
> wet. My front yard, unattended, looked like a little rain forest. It
> was beautiful and wild and I enjoyed it! I have not posted the pics yet
> but will eventually. I love it when nature does my landscaping for me.
> It's a lot less costly!