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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default 1st real mac/cheese

sf replied to Sycophant:

>>>> If she served that crap, claiming it was potatoes, I'd kick her into
>>>> needing an emergency hysterectomy. Nasty.
>>> Have you ever tried it?

>> Bryan is just being an ignoramus. As usual. ;-)

> He's being overly opinionated.
> That stuff is so good! I've started using fauxtatoes instead of
> mashed potatoes on shepherd's pie. SP is really tasty that way.

Sycophant is just being a shitstain, I see. As usual. ;-)

Bryan didn't say that he had a problem with pureed cauliflower. He doesn't
like the fact that people present it as if it were mashed potatoes. He's got
a point: While pureed cauliflower can indeed be tasty, it is definitely
*not* mashed potatoes.
