Thread: Bummer trip
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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default Bummer trip

Il 19/06/2011 12:01, Bob Terwilliger ha scritto:

>> Basically, how does this soup look like? Is it thickened / enriched by
>> adding cream or bechamel or a butter& flour roux?

> I don't know about the soup that Dora had, but my favorite mushroom soup is
> thickened by adding lots and lots of mushrooms and a little bit of rice.
> Here's the recipe (which I've posted here before):
> Cream of Mushroom Soup
> (adapted from _Robuchon_)
> 1 leek, white part only
> 1 1/4 pound small oyster mushrooms, or an assortment of mushrooms
> (I used a mix of oyster mushrooms, porcini, and chanterelles)
> 2 shallots
> 1 teaspoon butter
> Salt
> Pepper
> 1/4 cup short-grain rice

I love short grain rice, Arborio is one of my alltime favs

> Add the cream and mix well. Taste and adjust as needed with salt and pepper.

A cream enriched soup, then. A style I like very much

> BOB'S NOTE: [1] As an additional garnish, I cut king oyster mushrooms in
> half lengthwise and cooked them in butter in a skillet until nicely browned.

My way to do it. Apart from the fact that I sautee them in butter inthe
same pot I'm doing risotto in. But your one is a soup, that makes the
difference. It's a kind of mushrooms risotto soup, interesting.

> The mushrooms were floated cut-side-up in the bowls of soup, surrounded by
> the "pretty" mushrooms mentioned in the recipe and the chervil. I recently
> posted its picture, too:

Looks way good!
And the Family Stone
Ovviamente so benissimo...