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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default 1st real mac/cheese

On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 18:36:08 -0500, Omelet >

> In article >,
> "Storrmmee" > wrote:
> > do some googling, look at lots of recipes, and you might also check "cottage
> > pie" as well, most people use some combination, its one of those things that
> > people tinker with depending on what is in the house, Lee

> Ok.

As Stormmee said, recipes for shepherd's pie give you an idea of what
to do but you don't need to follow it as slavishly as you would follow
a cake recipe.

Here is one I emulated (didn't follow it to a T, but it was good

This is when I first tried mashed cauliflower, which is excellent with
asiago cheese in it as per the mashed potato part of the recipe. The
Food Network show I watched where he demonstrated how to make it, his
alternative to the listed vegetables was to buy a package of frozen
mixed vegetables (the kind with corn and green beans in it) to use. I
tried that and haven't looked back. Now I keep a package in the
freezer so I don't have to go shopping just to make a pot pie.


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