Food prices
On 6/23/2011 12:57 AM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
> So I was up at my local discount market. They had corn on the cob on sale.
> 69 cents. EACH! How long ago was it that corn was 10 ears for a buck? And
> these were pathetic examples of corn, very small ears.
Just the other day, four ears of corn were available at Aldi for $1. I
haven't gone to the Farmers' Market yet, so I haven't seen the prices
there. At the FM, the price has been 2-ears for $1 for many years now.
It wouldn't be a surprise if the price has increased this year :/
When shopping at a grocery store recently, I was rather shocked to see
many brands of bacon (1 pound pkgs) are way over $4 and even some other
over $5 per pound! OUCH!
Sky, who still hasn't won that lottery yet!!
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