How to stop the leak under the kitchen sink?
sf > wrote:
>On Fri, 24 Jun 2011 08:10:33 +0000, nidaarose
> wrote:
>> I just unclogged the kitchen sink...
>> There was blockage in the plastic pipe so I undid the ring and scooped
>> it out. NOW my problem is that the brass pipe right below the sink basin
>> is leaking. The pipe is sliding up and down and the ring seems to be
>> tight. Do I need a sealant or have I made the problem worse. If I wrench
>> off the ring and re-tighten it will that do...
>Welcome to the wild world of home repair. Call a plumber, sounds like
>you need one.
I agree a plumber can fix this. From the description it is hard to
tell which parts of the assemblage are plastic and which are brass,
but it doesn't really matter.
In my opinion there is no "sealant" needed in this assembly. One might
use teflon pipe tape but even if left out it should not leak. It's
probably assembled together wrong, or some component has a hole
punched through.
You got a bucket under it? Then you're probably okay for the time being.