Dave Smith > wrote:
> On 24/06/2011 4:10 AM, nidaarose wrote:
>> I just unclogged the kitchen sink...
>> There was blockage in the plastic pipe so I undid the ring and scooped
>> it out. NOW my problem is that the brass pipe right below the sink basin
>> is leaking. The pipe is sliding up and down and the ring seems to be
>> tight. Do I need a sealant or have I made the problem worse. If I wrench
>> off the ring and re-tighten it will that do...
> Don't call a plumber until you have tried to do it yourself. Those guys
> charge a lot of money for a job that you should be able to do yourself
> with a few minutes and a little bit of knowledge. It helps to have arms like a monkey.
> You may have to buy a new drain and tail piece. They are not expensive
> and it comes with a set of seals, one for the top and one for the bottom.
> Then there is a lock nut. The tail piece should then slip into the P trap.
> http://www.plumbinghelp.ca/howto_kitchen_sink_drain.php
Sounds like the sink is still plugged up.
Run down to home depot and get this very good book. I have it and it has
helped allot. Get the HOME DEPOT 123 Book, well worth it!
Sinks often require specialized tools that make the job easier.
Enjoy Life... Nad R (Garden in zone 5a Michigan)