Food prices
On 27/06/2011 3:56 PM, Ranée at Arabian Knits wrote:
> In>,
> Dave > wrote:
>> There is lots of good farm land used for things other than food, like
>> flowers and Christmas trees. In Sweden they have huge tracts of land
>> used to grow trees to be burned for electrical generation. If you want
>> to get really picky, you could argue that it is inappropriate to raise
>> livestock. It takes about ten times as much acreage for a unit of meat
>> than it does vegetation. We should be planting corn only for human
>> consumption and not wasting so much land to produce corn to feed to
>> cattle, pigs and fowl.
> Except that to raise enough vegetation to truly nourish enough people
> without meat/eggs/dairy would require far more land. A cow feeds more
> people to full than an equivalent amount of corn. It also provides more
> nutrients.
Tell that to the vegetarians and vegans who will claim to be fell filled
and nourished without eating that meat. And then there are all those
people who rarely eat meat because they cannot afford it. I was just
presenting the argument that if someone is concerned about agricultural
land or about "food" being used to produce fuel, then they can also
claim that producing livestock is a waste of land and products.