Cheese from Costco
<Ross@home> wrote:
> One example, Sam's had a couple of skids of Lexmark wireless 4 in 1
> printers for $38.00 that were complete with full size XL ink
> cartridges. Those printers cost less than a pair of the same
> cartridges for my printer so I bought three printers.
> We did save considerably more than the cost of membership at both
> places and while we do shop regularly at Costco, there are things
> about Sam's that we miss.
> Ross.
I have noticed Costco has reduced the shelf space in half for printer inks.
If the trend is like me who now owns an iPad or other touch device,
printing anything is becoming obsolete. The ink on both of my printers have
dried up. I will not be replacing them. If I need something printed which
is unlikely, I will go to Office Max or the local library.
Enjoy Life... Nad R (Garden in zone 5a Michigan)