Cheese from Costco
sf wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 22:22:21 +0000 (UTC), Nad R
> > wrote:
> > sf > wrote:
> > > On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 19:42:26 +0000 (UTC), Nad R
> > > > wrote:
> > >
> > >> I have noticed Costco has reduced the shelf space in half for printer inks.
> > >> If the trend is like me who now owns an iPad or other touch device,
> > >> printing anything is becoming obsolete. The ink on both of my printers have
> > >> dried up. I will not be replacing them. If I need something printed which
> > >> is unlikely, I will go to Office Max or the local library.
> > >
> > > Neither one of my kids have printers (at home) either, but I think
> > > they're still a must. I'd still rather read my recipe from a piece of
> > > paper instead of the computer, but I'm thinking that some kind of
> > > tablet might be nice to have. I'd want to be able to upload my
> > > newsreader to it, but I don't know enough about them yet to know if I
> > > can or not.
> >
> > This message is sent from "NewsTap" for the iPad.
> >
> > I get my newspapers on my iPad. Read my books and yes dozens of recipes and
> > how to cook and bake apps. I can watch Alton Brown shows as a I making
> > something in the kitchen. I can also take my iPad out to the garden to
> > compare plant information and plant problems. My Wifi is good for about 150
> > feet from my home.
> >
> > As I get older, I find that the small print on many books is just getting
> > harder to read. With the iPad I can enlarge the text so I can easily read
> > the recipes from a short distance. Now where did I put those Bifocals.
> Thanks for the info. Does it have any USB ports?
Actually, it doesn't, it relies on wireless networking for all