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Wildfire Wildfire is offline
Posts: 6
Default crunchy trout and slaw

Ahhhh Trout. This is one hell of a fish. I have already done a posting about trout, but I think this one has defeated the other. While at Costco shopping for the Canada day long weekend my wife and I were looking to pick up something healthy for the week seeing as how over the weekend we probably wont be eating the healthiest. We will be eating some excellent meals, but the health conciseness has gone out the window. Thats what happens when I bbq all weekend up north in big country.

So here’s how it all went down. First I removed the fish from its packaging and wiped it dry. This is good to do so that your spices and sauce will stick to the fish instead of running off of it while cooking, plus you will actually bake it instead of steam it. After wiping it down, I laid the fillets in a 9×13 baking dish and set aside. I set my oven to 350 and let it heat up, have your rack set to the height just below the middle.

Now you want to throw together your sauce while the oven is heating up. In a small mixing bowl or whatever bowl you have, you will want to add 1 cup of sour cream, 1 and a half tablespoons of honey mustard, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of minced fresh garlic. You can use three cloves of fresh garlic minced or finely chopped as well. 2 table spoons of herb and garlic Philly cream cheese, teaspoon of lemon juice, tea spoon of salt, teaspoon of paprika. Mix all of these ingredients together and let sit while the oven is heating up. Grab your baking dish with your trout fillets and start lathering the sauce onto the fish. You want to make a thick coating on the fish basically so you can’t really see too much of the fish underneath it.

Now that this is done you want to add your topping. For this I used Panko bread crumbs. Panko bread crumbs are a Japanese type of bread crumbs. I like the better than our regular because they seem to give a better crunch to whatever you are putting them on plus they have a liter texture then the regular. So you probably need two cups or so of these. You want to cover the fish with a 1/8th inch thick layer or basically enough to cover the fish so you can’t see the sauce very much. With a little bit of pressure you want to push some of the crumbs into the sauce, scatter some more crumbs on top of that. Now drizzle a bit of olive oil on top of the crumbs this will help with browning them a bit.

Okay we are ready. Throw these guys in the oven at 350 and set your timer for 25 mins. When the timer goes off, take the fish out and poke with a fork, if the fish flakes very easily then it is ready, if not just throw it back in for five more minutes. When the fish is done, you should remove it from the oven and let rest for 5 mins.

Now as a side dish for this I bought a bag of Asian coleslaw. This is a very handy side to have kicking around in the fridge. You can simply make your own but you would have to have cabbage, carrots and a ton of other veggies on hand. If you have them then make your own. If ya don’t, just buy the bag. On the slaw I added crushed walnuts from my pantry and some Greek feta dressing. This salad was pretty sweet and refreshing. I thought it worked perfect with the fish.

And “womp there it is” a great piece of fish with a very nice side. Very easy to make, prep time was about 15 mins if that and the cook time was 30 mins. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Take care and keep the fire hot.