What's This Machine For ???
On 29 Jun 2011 05:51:26 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>Right now, jes cost effective to buy freshly roasted beans at our
>local roaster/cafe. Problem is, he doesn't do Ethiopian and Kenyan,
>my two faves. :|
NotBob, I'm one of those people who readily admit to knowing almost
nothing about coffee. I drink regular canned coffee made in a drip
machine. Two cups a day is what the Doc says I'm ok to have without
countering the meds he has me on. I would love to try some really
interesting coffees, but frankly, I haven't a clue how to go about it.
A person like you, who knows a wealth of knowledge about the subject
could teach me so much. I'm going to start a new thread here called
"The Art Of Coffee". Would you join in with your experiences, likes,
dislikes and methods? I'd love to read them and when I've read enough
to gain enough knowledge to try some of the exotic coffees you and
others know so well, I look forward to trying them! Thanks for any
help you might offer!