Thread: Storing bread
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Mike Pearce
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Default Storing bread

"Dusty" wrote in message ...

> I had another fine loaf of 100% SD ruined before I could eat more than a

> slices of it by our dry climate. In the old days (pre-low carb) someone
> (that mostly being me!) would gobble it right up, so storing it for a few
> days was a non-issue. Even though I've been reading here for many years,

> still seem to have a hole in this portion of my understanding of bread.

<snip some "how do I store it" stuff>


I think this is what I'd do in your situation:

Option 1:

Give some of it away to your friends and neighbors. I bet they would like
that. (I think this is the best option)

Option 2:

Make smaller loaves that you'd use before they'd go bad. I know that this
would not necessarily be a reasonable option depending on how you are using
the bread and the type of loaves. I would have a hard time figuring out how
to make a pan loaf small enough to make just a couple of sandwiches.

Option 3:

Make your usual loaf. After baking, let the bread cool down for three or
four hours to make sure it was down to room temperature. I'd then cut off
what I think I would use over the next couple of days and put that aside.
I'd then double bag in plastic the remainder and throw it in the freezer.
Though it's not quite the same as bread that's never been frozen, I've found
that freezing bread that is not long out of the oven works out pretty well.
I've tried freezing after I've let it sit (cure) for a day or so, but
haven't liked the results as much as bread I've frozen sooner after baking.
When you are ready to use the frozen portion just let it defrost at room

With the portion I'd cut off and not frozen I'd just sit it cut-side down on
my cutting board for a while so it would "cure" and use it over the next day
or so.

I'm in a similar situation, but it has to do more with whole loaves. I will
usually make three or four loaves at a time. If I'm not giving any away,
I'll keep one out to use fresh which I will bag after it's been sitting out
somewhere between 12 and 24 hours. The others I will double bag and freeze
after they've cooled down and defrost as needed.

I hope some of this was helpful.
