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Default Power loss in the grocery store

On Jun 26, 7:31*pm, "gloria.p" > wrote:
> On 6/26/2011 8:19 PM, Metspitzer wrote:
> > I was going to get some roast beef at the deli. *The girl said....just
> > so you know, our power has been out for an hour and a half. *I thanked
> > her and skipped the deli meat.

> > It was very nice for her to warn me, but they were not throwing the
> > stuff out. *I didn't say anything, but I am wondering if they plan on
> > selling it to the next guy?

> It was kind of silly of them not to put the bagged ice cubes (or dry
> ice) in the deli and meat counters.

I work in a deli department, and we do not have dry ice in the store,
so it may not be an option everywhere.

That said, our normal procedure is to close all coolers, and stop
selling product. The store will remain open during daylight hours as
the backup generators will run the registers and large coolers and
freezers in the back of the store. We cannot open the meat or salad
case for each person's order as that would lower the temp. We keep it
closed, and we wait and see what is going to happen. In most cases,
the power is back on within an hour, so we just watch the temps. If we
get close to the danger line on temps, then we unload everything and
move it to the jumbo cooler in the back of the store.

A couple years ago, we had a 3 day power outage. We had to throw away
all the milk, juice, and the whole freezer aisle section. It was an
area wide power outage, so most stores lost it all. Last year, we had
a local power outage, so they brought in frozen and refrigerated
trucks and loaded everything into those. It was really hard trying to
explain to the customers that all our frozen food was packed into a
semi truck, and no, we could not go and look for a particular item.

It would be great if we could get some portable generators that could
truly run all the coolers and freezers in the store.They could go to
whatever store needed it. That would be awesome.