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metspitzer metspitzer is offline
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Default Power loss in the grocery store

On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 22:47:05 -0700 (PDT), "
> wrote:

>On Jun 26, 7:31*pm, "gloria.p" > wrote:
>> On 6/26/2011 8:19 PM, Metspitzer wrote:
>> > I was going to get some roast beef at the deli. *The girl said....just
>> > so you know, our power has been out for an hour and a half. *I thanked
>> > her and skipped the deli meat.

>> > It was very nice for her to warn me, but they were not throwing the
>> > stuff out. *I didn't say anything, but I am wondering if they plan on
>> > selling it to the next guy?

>> It was kind of silly of them not to put the bagged ice cubes (or dry
>> ice) in the deli and meat counters.

>I work in a deli department, and we do not have dry ice in the store,
>so it may not be an option everywhere.
>That said, our normal procedure is to close all coolers, and stop
>selling product. The store will remain open during daylight hours as
>the backup generators will run the registers and large coolers and
>freezers in the back of the store. We cannot open the meat or salad
>case for each person's order as that would lower the temp. We keep it
>closed, and we wait and see what is going to happen. In most cases,
>the power is back on within an hour, so we just watch the temps. If we
>get close to the danger line on temps, then we unload everything and
>move it to the jumbo cooler in the back of the store.
>A couple years ago, we had a 3 day power outage. We had to throw away
>all the milk, juice, and the whole freezer aisle section. It was an
>area wide power outage, so most stores lost it all. Last year, we had
>a local power outage, so they brought in frozen and refrigerated
>trucks and loaded everything into those. It was really hard trying to
>explain to the customers that all our frozen food was packed into a
>semi truck, and no, we could not go and look for a particular item.
>It would be great if we could get some portable generators that could
>truly run all the coolers and freezers in the store.They could go to
>whatever store needed it. That would be awesome.

Most portable generators are gas powered and loud. Not as awesome as
you would think. Emergency power is expensive.