Thread: Pickles
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George Shirley[_2_] George Shirley[_2_] is offline
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Default Pickles

On 6/30/2011 1:25 PM, The Cook wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jun 2011 11:40:55 -0500, George Shirley
> > wrote:
>> On 6/30/2011 10:43 AM, The Cook wrote:
>>> On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 10:56:59 -0400, The >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Just started a batch of Mrs. Wage's sweet pickles. I am using the
>>>> long version this time. I think I will try the Pickle Crisp for the
>>>> next batch.
>>>> When I was at a family reunion a couple of weeks ago I tried some of
>>>> the pickles there and asked who made them. I found out who and she
>>>> said, "I use the recipe on the Mrs. Wage's bag."
>>> The pickles are done. I processed 9 pints and put 1 quart in the
>>> refrigerator. The quart does not have much syrup. They are nice and
>>> crisp but the flavor is not bad, but not quite what I want. I think I
>>> will use this recipe for the procedure and use the syrup from my older
>>> recipe. They are not too different. Mrs. Wage's recipe did not
>>> mention putting the pickling spices in cheesecloth and I did not think
>>> about it. I tried to keep most of the spices out.

>> The original sweet pickle recipe I use doesn't call for a spice bag so I
>> always just dumped the spices in when I was cooking the pickles.
>> Nowadays I use a spice bag and, I think, it keeps the spice flavors from
>> getting to intense.
>> I no longer do the lime soak, pickle crisp is so much easier and you get
>> the same crispness. Thank you Jardin/Ball/Bernadin.

> Do I just forget the prep up to adding to syrup and the heat or cook
> and put in a jar with Pickle Crisp? I won't forget to wash and slice
> the cukes.
> If it is that easy I will try a few batches and see if DH can tell the
> difference.

Here's the recipe as I adapted it for the use of Pickle Crisp:
Sweet pickles

Use cukes or green tomatoes. 8.5 lbs before trimming, 7 lbs sliced.

Syrup: 5 pints vinegar, 5 lbs sugar, 5 tablespoons pickling spice. Bring
syrup to a boil. Pour over pickles-to-be, then let them sit overnight.
Next morning strain off the syrup, then bring to a boil and simmer 1
hour. Add 4-6 drops of green food coloring for a nice looking pickle.
Put required amount of calcium chloride in the heated jars then pack
pickles in jars, pour the hot syrup over them, seal and boiling water
bath for 5 minutes. Makes about 8 quarts or 16 pints.

Let the jars sit on a shelf in a dark room for three weeks to allow the
CACL to work its magic and crisp up the pickles.

No more prep than making any other pickle, completely eliminates the two
or three days that are used for the lime soak, all the rinsing, etc.
I've made two batches this way and they both came out just fine. All
gone right now so I'm hoping to make some more next week, looks like our
cukes are doing us proud at the moment.

Note: I make them with cucumbers whereas the original recipe called for
green tomatoes. The few times we have had an excess of tomatoes I have
made them with the green ones and they came out very good also. Hope
this helps.