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Storrmmee Storrmmee is offline
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Default Dishes ruined by decorative herbs

a way to compare is make a batch of apple butter, use same recipe subbing
pears, there is a very distinct/noticiable texture difference, lucky for me
the pear texture doesn't bother me but yes it is there, texture/mouth feel
is why i generally don't eat as much animal protien as i should. Lee
"Steve Pope" > wrote in message
> sf > wrote:
>>Not only do I not notice it, I've never heard anyone comment about it
>>either. There's no hair on any pear (inside or out) AFAIC and they
>>aren't gritty. I prefer Bartlett (which can be crunchy when ripe too)
>>and the softer types because they have more pear flavor not because
>>they are hairless and gritless.

> Offhand I doubt there is silicon dioxide grit inside any pear,
> more likely they are just woody, i.e. the grittiness is
> due to cellulose fibers.
> Steve