Lactose Intolerant?
A good source of dairy free recipes is any kosher cookbook.
For dairy free desserts, most cookies and cakes will work if you
substitute margarine for the butter. (Granted there are exceptions in
the form of cakes that call for sour cream or milk, but if you look
through cake recipes, you'll find plenty that are good.)
For a good homey dairy free dessert, go with apple, pear or peach pie.
Make the crust with lard or margarine, not butter.
For something spectacularly rich and creamy and impressive that's also
dairy free, I recommend zabaglione or sabayon over fresh berries. I use
the recipes in The Silver Palate Cookbook.
Anthony wrote:
> My bro in law and his wife are coming to stay for a week and she has just
> been diagnosed as lactose intolerant. Any tips on what to feed/ not feed
> them? In particular, any good dessert recipes? Most of mine depend heavily
> on butter and cream. TIA.