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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Storrmmee wrote:
> some can't giv up "the good old days"
> either their adult life sucks, they were powerful in school, and miss
> it, or they have allowed time and brain degradation to change the
> facts in their own life.
> a while back a woman i grew up with said she missed HS, i almost fell
> off my stool, i wasn't drunk when she said it, but i certainly
> ordered an extra to try and comphrened how being too young, too
> inexperienced, and too worried about the future could possibly
> compensate for the great ride i have had from that point to this,

My mom has said that she missed school. This is a foreign concept to me.
Perhaps her life was different because she grew up on a farm. Perhaps she
liked school because she was going to it instead of doing chores? I don't
know. She says she likes to learn things and wants to go back to school
now, in her 70's. I always hated school and was glad when I didn't have to
go. I like to learn too. I just don't like school!

High school was really a breeze for me. I knew all sorts of ways of getting
out of it. Mostly we went to the mall or out to lunch. Probably spent just
as much time out of school as in it. Things were easy in those days and the
truant officer was easily bribed. Didn't have much homework either. And I
was still on the honor roll. Those days have changed! I certainly wouldn't
want to be in school now.