Can not reply to the chopped thread.
Storrmmee wrote:
> om this is sorta where we differ, the fact that she raises a child,
> gets the chil d where she needs to go, monitors bg, deals with her
> and her dh's family's issues, and does most of this with said dh away
> most of the time, maybe she isn't doing it how i would, but she
> surely isn't giving up, Lee
Exactly! I spent many years helping to take care of my MIL who is much more
disabled than me. She is in a wheelchair and really can do little for
herself beside feeding herself and really she needs observation to do that.
Not getting into the details of that.
When I was there I did all of the cooking and shopping and whatever cleaning
needed to be done on the days I was there. Granted I could not very well
lift her in and out of the wheelchair. She is not light and can offer no
help at all. I did try once but dropped her. That wasn't good!
I am currently living pretty much as a single parent. Husband lives in
another state and comes home pretty much on his own whim. Certainly not to
help out or anything like that. Yes, I hire people to do that which I can
not or do not want to do. But I know I am not alone in that.
Last week I bought a chest freezer, transported it home and put it in place
all by myself. With daughter's injury she could not help me even if she
wanted to.
I do what I need to do. If there are those who think I need to be doing
more, well, I figure that is their problem.