Can not reply to the chopped thread.
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> "Janet" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>>>>>> This is a food newsgroup. No? At least I thought it was. I
>>>>>> came here
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> discuss food. Not my health.
>>> It's true you don't post about health, but you post obsessively
>>> about your ill health.
>>> Whether or not I think I am healthy is my
>>>>>> business. Whether or not I have a plan for my health is my
>>>>>> business.
>>> Have you ever considered keeping your private business out of
>>> usenet posts to a food group?
>> I guess I don't really know what private business is, aside from my
>> income. People mention their diabetes all the time here. I also see
>> mention of food allergies. And food dislikes. Why should I be any
>> different?
> You are not different luv. Just reconsider how you respond to
> suggestions and responses and quit being so defensive and HOSTILE!
> It's all good, but to date, you have rejected any and every suggestion
> anyone has tried to pass on to you.
Yeah and I'll probably continue to do that. That's how I am! If I ask for
a suggestion, such as in the creamed corn post then I am asking for
suggestions. But if I haven't asked for a suggestion then I truly don't
want one.
> You should, instead, value the fact that someone cares enough to pass
> stuff on.
Oh! So you're telling me what my values should be now? Well that doesn't
go over well either.
> It's what makes newsgroups so much fun and so educational...
Not to me it isn't.