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Default recipe Late Harvest Wine

William Frazier wrote:

> Joe - I try to let the Bacos hang until the brix is around 24 and TA is
> 1.00% or below.
> By the time they get to 24 brix some berries are falling off the clusters so
> I pick. I
> would like to let them go so TA falls but they are very soft and some
> raisins start to
> form. I don't believe I've ever picked below 0.9% TA. It's always a
> struggle to end up with a Baco wine with acid in the 0.6 to 0.7% TA
> range, but that's the way Baco goes here in the KC area. I get quite a lot
> of acid
> precipitating out during fermentation and cold conditioning so these grapes
> must have
> a lot of tartaric.

Have you ever used calcium carbonate to reduce acid?

My Baco I purchased this year came in at Brix: 20.2, pH: 3.22, acid:

Of course I'm planing MLF for it... hopefully that has an affect, as
it's tart right now.


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forced to live on nothing but food and water for days."
- W.C. Fields