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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Spatchcocked chicken on a new grill

"Ed Pawlowski" wrote:
>I had a new grill delivered the other day and tried it out tonight. One of
>my favorite ways of cooking chicken is to spatchcock it. Until a few years
>ago, I've never heard of the term, now I do it frequently. Using a hefty
>pair of kitchen shears or scissors, cut the backbone out. One cut on either
>side of it works, then you can se it to make stock.
>Once cut, lay the bird out flat and season both sides. Place the chicken on
>the hot grill, skin side up. I like to use direct heat for most of the
>cooking at a medium setting, then finish it off with indirect heat. The
>chicken is tasty and very moist and the skin is crisp.
>The grill I bought is a Weber Summit, S-470. Seems like it is going to be
>very nice to work with and I'll be using it for a number of things in the
>next few days. Tomorrow, London Broil, Monday is a leg of lamb for dinner,
>but some burgers and dogs for lunch. One day soon I'll try out the
>rotisserie with something to be determined.

A lotta grill for feeding a lotta people. Has lots of new features,
should be fun grilling... ENJOY!

But I don't save chicken spines or any scraps for stock... I use whole
chicken and even then I snip out the spine and toss it, crows snatch
it... I don't want stock with spinal fluid. Chicken is plenty cheap
enough that I can afford to toss the scraps. In fact chicken is so
cheap it hardly warrants almost two grand for a grill. LOL There are
great sales on porterhouse this weekend. That's the kind of grill to
test out its rotisserie with a steamboat roast, or a whole loin of
pork. I like that it has a built-in smoke box, makes it more likely
you'll use smoke. Now you really need to pipe it to your kitchen
stove gas supply or you'll be going through 20# tanks like crazy.