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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default I decided to make andouille sausage this weekend.

On Jul 3, 11:37*am, Omelet > wrote:

> Sausage making can be addicting. ;-) So much so that I almost never
> purchase commercial sausage any more and watch for inexpensive meats (on
> sale) so I have an excuse to make sausage! *If one is a sausage lover
> (and I am) it can save tons of money.
> I hope you have found a reasonably priced source of bulk herbs/spices?

Well, I'm starting out small and don't plan to make more than a small
batch at a time...I don't have
a bunch of freezer space. So I'll have to use most of one batch
before making another. Plus, working
full time cuts into the play time a bit. But I'm determined !!