Can not reply to the chopped thread.
part of that is because you don't share the fun stuff, not getting on you
here but consider;
you ha d said you asked for the freezer for you birthday, then nothing
else... to me, this is quite an on topic post as it is an appliance that
stores food, encourages savings and makes it easier to prepare food because
you can have more variety, and if you get enough of a bargian on the meat
either you save the money, or be like me and sometimes buy a luxury food...
i am not nagging but i sure would have liked to read a seperate post of,
where you shopped, when you bought it, why you bought it, and even the
stresses and strains of getting it into the house,
i hope this makes sense, Lee
"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> Storrmmee wrote:
>> om this is sorta where we differ, the fact that she raises a child,
>> gets the chil d where she needs to go, monitors bg, deals with her
>> and her dh's family's issues, and does most of this with said dh away
>> most of the time, maybe she isn't doing it how i would, but she
>> surely isn't giving up, Lee
> Exactly! I spent many years helping to take care of my MIL who is much
> more disabled than me. She is in a wheelchair and really can do little
> for herself beside feeding herself and really she needs observation to do
> that. Not getting into the details of that.
> When I was there I did all of the cooking and shopping and whatever
> cleaning needed to be done on the days I was there. Granted I could not
> very well lift her in and out of the wheelchair. She is not light and can
> offer no help at all. I did try once but dropped her. That wasn't good!
> I am currently living pretty much as a single parent. Husband lives in
> another state and comes home pretty much on his own whim. Certainly not
> to help out or anything like that. Yes, I hire people to do that which I
> can not or do not want to do. But I know I am not alone in that.
> Last week I bought a chest freezer, transported it home and put it in
> place all by myself. With daughter's injury she could not help me even if
> she wanted to.
> I do what I need to do. If there are those who think I need to be doing
> more, well, I figure that is their problem.