Allergic to food!
"Pete C." > wrote:
> notbob wrote:
>> On 2011-07-03, Christine Dabney > wrote:
>>> On Sun, 03 Jul 2011 13:45:50 -0500, "Pete C." >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, it is insane to wildly claim that some mysterious GM foods are
>>>> causing the apparent increase in allergies without a shred of data to
>>>> back the claim. Milk is not a GM food, nor are peanuts.
>>> Nor is gluten, although it might be in genetically modified foods.
>> GM means genetically modified. As for milk, Monsanto isn't pushing
>> the crap outta BGH? News to me. You know for a fact wheat or peanuts
>> are NOT GM foods? I'd be amazed if they weren't.
>> Yes, I'm wildly insane. Science is screwing with every facet of our
>> food supply, but I'm wildly out of line to believe they are modifying our
>> peanuts and wheat, which is still as pristine and as natural as when
>> Jesus wore short pants. And the sky isn't blue and water isn't wet
>> and there's no such thing as global warming.
>> Hard to believe their are still ppl this freakin' naive/stupid.
>> nb
> Ah yes, those stupid enough to believe in religion are also the ones who
> are terrified of and attack anything they don't understand. Just because
> *you* don't have the intelligence to understand what GM is and isn't,
> doesn't meant that those producing the GM items don't fully understand
> it, nor does it mean that more than a small subset of the population
> doesn't understand it. While you were busy studying your fantasy "holy
> book(s)", the rest of us were busy learning how the world actually
> works.
What I want is food labels that labels the food source that is engineered
or not. I say let the public decide on what they want. Label the food
source engineered or heirloom. Give the buyers what they want.
Enjoy Life... Nad R (Garden in zone 5a Michigan)